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After 25 years of economic prosperity since its return to China, Macao is striving for deeper integration with the Chinese mainland to build a more diversified and resilient economy

A new emphasis on diversifying Macao’s economy has seen the cultural sector flourishing, with concerts, shows, exhibitions and heritage discoveries from both its old and reclaimed lands preserving and developing its cultural diversity

Amid rapid urbanization, ancient Chinese villages stand as living testaments to traditional culture, architecture and lineage. But can their spirit endure the push for modernity?

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Balancing cultural preservation and sustainable development in traditional villages requires a nuanced approach. Professor Pu Jiao of Tianjin University spoke with NewsChina on how to solve these contradictions

Home to the fast fashion industry with thousands of workshops and factories, urban villages in Guangzhou face a reckoning as authorities look to impose order on the chaos. Textile industry insiders are calling for a nuanced approach to ensure the stability of a pillar industry

Renovating urban villages has become more complicated after property development woes have lowered compensation standards and authorities have increased the requirements for rebuilding